Words related to category: Ts-E6.3 Shore life & shellfish Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
amgyeeka seafood | amgyiika seafood | aswit sea urchin | bilhaa abalone | da̱g̱a̱'aw sea anemones | diḵa'aaw round green molluscs | gyels mussels | gyenti sea cucumber | g̱aaydm ts'u'u'ts mushroom/sea shells/glans | g̱a̱boox cockles | g̱a̱maats starfish | g̱a̱sgos shrimps | hagwn horse mussel | ha̱ts'a̱l devilfish | ḵ'a̱lmoos crab | ḵ'a̱lmoosm la̱xsg̱a̱'niis spider crab | ḵ'a̱ł'on scallops | loon horse clam | ma̱sg̱aloop sea anemone | mi'isaloop sea anemone | nłts'iik seashell | noł dishes/shell | sa'mx butter clam | sgyedmḵ'a̱lmoos spider crab | sts'oola̱loop marine isopods | ts'ak china slipper | ts'akwe'ats red urchins | ts'a̱'a̱x clam | ts'maay barnacles/ancestors | xbiha̱ts'a̱l giant squid | 'yaans sea prunes | 'yaansa̱g̱awg̱aaw crow chitons |